Giordano Bruno, an unforgettable genius, master of artificial memory, a migrant among the Universities of Europe, was convinced that through the transmission of arts and knowledge, society could renew itself by “lighting up”. After reading enthusiastically the Spaccio de la Beast Triumphant, Giordano Bruno I imagined it thus… Curious, irreverent, volcanic, incandescent, indefatigable, optimistic, idealist, brilliant, universal. The only sure thing we know about his physical appearance is that he was small in stature. Perhaps this is why I imagined him squatted, ready to jump, with wings instead of arms! In good company with philosophers, artisans and acrobats, from 1 to 30 October 2018 the three-year project around Giordano Bruno “il luminoso” was carried out with a residence at the Macro Asilo. For a month a “room” of 15 meters by 8 as a scenic space has welcomed a series of actions around the great European genius and the participatory rereading of his book in which he expresses the fascinating concept of knowledge as an antidote to Ignorance, Inertia and the Bestiality that now as then afflicts humanity! In the post-digital era one can share the project with a global community, and also bring the younger generations closer to the function of contemporary art, which has a particular civil value in a public place.